This page includes the most commonly asked questions and possible answers. If there is anything else you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
Most suppression systems require a control panel for the automatic release of the fire-extinguishing gas under a fire condition. Control panels provide the necessary communication for the suppression agent to be released when two separate fire conditions were initiated. When both the zones are in a fire condition the panel will activate the suppression gas after a certain time and release the agent. There will be an audible/visual alarm to warn the occupants of an imminent discharge.
This type of gas suppression system suppresses fires by diluting the oxygen content to below 15% where most materials do not burn and are still safe for occupied areas. The typical concentration required is 40% plus depending on the hazard. This type of gas consists of 50% argon and 50% nitrogen. It is suitable for protecting against fire where there may be people in the area at the time of a fire. It is safe to evacuate a building because it allows a safe level of oxygen to remain in the area where gas has been discharged. This type of agent also allows for good visibility for any evacuation of employees. It can be used for class A, B, and C fire hazards.
These are non-flammable gasses, that do not damage electronic products, and it’s safe for people to breathe in. This means it can be used in enclosed spaces, making it ideal for data centers and server rooms. FM200 works by coming into contact with heat from a fire and preventing the chemical reaction that allows the fire to continue to burn. It dissipates and leaves behind no residue which allows for all electronics to continue to operate as normal. This type of gas removes the free radicals or heat elements in a fire triangle. FM200 or Novec 1230 works by chemical reaction rather than oxygen reduction. There is also a huge saving in the amount of gas when compared to other gases. The typical concentration required starts at 5.8%. This can reduce the footprint required when available space is limited. Most suppression systems are activated by a smoke detection system that will detect the presence of smoke inside these areas.
This is a non-synthetic agent made of naturally occurring gases: nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and argon. Inergen poses no threat to human life and electronic equipment. Once this gas is discharged into the room, a mixture of natural gases is introduced into the air while still allowing a person to breathe in a reduced oxygen environment. Inergen leaves behind no residue which protects property and electronic equipment.
CO2 is highly effective at suppressing fires, it reduces the oxygen level in a room to suppress a fire. Because it reduces the oxygen level in a total flood, this gas is not safe to have in rooms where people occupy the space. CO2 suppression is suitable in non-occupied environments such as generator rooms, electrical rooms, flammable liquid storage rooms, and around large industrial machines. There will be life safety devices attached to the system to warn people around the area that CO2 will be discharged.
Early detection is imperative to reduce property loss and downtime because it can pick up smoke or fire while it is still small. Detection of a fire can be done through the use of fire beams, smoke detectors, heat detectors, or both. Early warning to detect a fire is critical to ensure your building’s assets and the occupants in the building. Fire alarm systems play a major role in your building’s fire strategy. We can design and provide you with the latest and most reliable systems available on the market. Whether your system needs to be serviced, installed, maintained, or replaced, contact us for a quotation. We are registered with FPASA, SAFDA and we adhere to the National Regulatory Codes of Practice SANS 10139 and SANS 322.
For safety reasons and the avoidance of unwanted false alarms, we recommend the routine replacement of fire equipment after 10 years of service, if they were regularly inspected, tested, and cleaned. This period has been based on information provided by suppliers and the availability of newer products with more advanced features and technologies.
All maintenance must be done as per the relevant statutory requirements. National Regulatory Codes of Practice SANS 10139, SANS 322, and SANS 1475 just to name a few. Fire systems need to have monthly inspections by a competent employee. All fire detection and suppression systems must be serviced quarterly (3 months) by a registered and accredited person.